On July 23, 2014, the League of Woman Voters held a Candidate Forum at the Southfield Public Library, allowing for debate between Michigan 35th District democratic candidates, Darryle Buchanan, Nicole Brown, Jeremy Moss, and Charles Roddis.
The debate featured questions relating to, proposal 1, The SMART public transportation millage, budgeting, and education.
All of the candidates were in opposition to the Education Achievement Authority Board, EAA with Buchanan, a former Southfield Board of Education member, calling it, "A Tuskegee experiment on our children".
Moss said, "The EAA has been an administrative and public relations disaster."
The candidates differed on the issue of the upcoming SMART millage vote. While all of the candidates stated that they were in favor of public transportation Roddis, who works in finance with the River Rouge school district and Brown, an assistant prosecuting attorney were hesitant about a tax increase. Roddis in particular was wary of how it might affect lower and middle income families who do not use public transportation.
Moss cited the lack of public transportation as a hindrance on the region's economic growth and was fully in support of the millage.
Brown was in favor of proposal 1 but with reservations feeling that the initiative would not replace all of the funds from the repeal of the personal property tax. Moss, a sitting Southfield councilman was more in favor of it stating that the repeal of the property tax without the measures in proposition 1 would be a "$9 million hit to (the city's) budget."
Buchanan had a similar sentiment and said regarding the Southfield Board of Education, "we've cut into the fat, we've cut into the bone, and now we've cut into the bone."
On the issue Roddis said, "As a Democrat you have to vote yes. It's essential."
All of the candidates were in opposition to fraking in Michigan with many of them bringing up environmental concerns and the conservation of the State's lakes. Moss also pointed to a resolution the Southfield City Council passed on the issue.
All of the candidates said they would fight to repeal Right to Work legislation and the senior pension tax.
Moss, Roddis, Brown and Buchanan said they were pro choice with Brown adding that she would work to repeal Michgan's abortion insurance law. Moss also said that he felt that pay inequality was a form of discrimination.
Information about when the debate will be rebroadcast will be eventually posted to the League of Woman Voter's Website.
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