City Council Meeting held November 12, 2013 for Southfield Michigan
Topics Include
- A Liquor License Request
- The Leasing of an Unmarked Police Surveillance Vehicle The Cost of Which Will be Reimbursed to the City by U.S. Secret Service
- A Request to Modify Deed Restrictions on a Property on Southfield and Edwards Street. The property owner has been having difficulty marketing the property due to a deed restriction that limits commercial use. He and his attorney are trying to lift the deed restriction through a voluntary process that would require 2/3 of the lot owners in his subdivision to be in favor of it. Because the City owns an apartment building in the subdivision Council has three votes in the matter. During the meeting Council decided to delay its decision so that it could observe other stakeholders and gain input from residents in the area.
- The Appointment of a New Deputy City Attorney, Nita Murray-Grier
- The Reclassification of Dawn King from City Attorney I to City Attorney II Due to the Duties She Has Been Performing Since the Passing of Former City Attorney Jack Beras
- Discussion Of The City's December Tree Lighting Ceremonies as well as a Chanukah Celebration In Late November
An agenda and related documents can be found here.
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